Energy Efficiency Trends in Canada

Photo of a house

Key highlights

Over the 1990 to 2016 period,
  • Energy efficiency improved 31.4%.
  • Canadians saved 2,089.9 PJ or $45 billion in energy costs and avoided 112.1 Mt of GHG emissions in 2016.
  • Secondary energy use (final energy demand) in Canada increased 26%. It would have increased 56% without energy efficiency improvements.
  • Canada’s energy intensity per unit of GDP improved 30.3%
One petajoule is approximately equal to the energy used by more than 10,000 households in one year (excluding transportation).

  Energy use and GHG emissions

In 2016, the five sectors of the economy (residential, commercial/institutional, industrial, transportation, and agriculture) used a total of 8,786.4 PJ of energy.
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Secondary energy use by sector, 2016

Distribution of energy use Percentage
Residential 16.6
Commercial/institutional 11.4
Industrial 38.9
Transportation 29.8
Agriculture 3.4

Secondary energy is energy that has been transformed in an energy conversion process to more convenient forms of energy that can be used directly by society, such as electrical energy, refined fuels, or synthetic fuels such as hydrogen fuel. Secondary energy is also referred to as a carrier of energy.

Primary energy is an energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to any human-engineered conversion process. It is energy contained in raw fuels and can be non-renewable (oil, coal, natural gas) or renewable (hydro, biofuels, solar, wind).

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GHG emissions by sector, 2016

Distribution of GHGs Percentage
Residential 12.9
Commercial/institutional 9.4
Industrial 35.8
Transportation 38.0
Agriculture 4.0

In 2016, the industrial sector used the most energy but the transportation sector produced more GHGs, given its greater use of GHG-emitting motor fuels such as gasoline, diesel and heavy fuel oil (rail and marine transport).
Natural gas and electricity were the main types of end-use energy purchased in Canada. Motor gasoline and other oil products (diesel fuel oil, light fuel oil, kerosene, and heavy fuel oil) represented about 33% of energy use.
Note: Measure is based on final energy use, which does not include producer consumption, feedstock and energy losses.

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Secondary energy use by fuel type, 2016

Distribution of energy use Percentage
Electricity 20.3
Natural gas 28.7
Motor gasoline 18.3
Other oil products** 14.7
Aviation gasoline 0.03
Aviation turbo fuel 3.2
Petroleum coke and still gas 5.2
Wood waste and pulping liquor 4.2
Other fuels* 3.4
Residential wood 2.0
*Other fuels include coal, coke, coke oven gas, liquefied petroleum gas and gas plant natural gas liquids, and waste fuels from the cement industry.
** Other oil products include diesel fuel oil, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil and kerosene.

The industrial sector used the most energy, consuming 3,413.8 PJ in 2016.

Energy use in the transportation sector grew 39.4% over the 1990–2016 period, the most rapid of all sectors. A significant increase in freight transportation, continued dominance of passenger vehicles for personal use, and a shift toward larger personal vehicles (SUVs, light-duty trucks) were the principal reasons for the rapid growth of energy use in the transportation sector.

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Total final demand and growth by sector, 1990 and 2016 (petajoules)

1990 2016 Growth
Residential 1425 1458 2%
Commercial/institutional 746 997 34%
Industrial 2710 3414 26%
Transportation 1878 2618 39%
Agriculture 199 299 50%

Canada’s GHG emissions excluding electricity-related emissions increased 28% while emissions including electricity-related emissions grew 18% between 1990 and 2016.

Increased emissions were significantly less than would otherwise have been the case because of a notable change in the fuel mix used to generate electricity. In particular, the share of coal used for electricity generation fell from 25% in 2008 to 16% in 2016.

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Total GHG emissions and growth by sector, 1990 and 2016 (Mt CO2e)

1990 2016 Growth
Residential 72.8 61.1 -16%
Commercial/institutional 41.0 44.4 8%
Industrial 141.2 169.8 20%
Transportation 132.3 180.3 36%
Agriculture 13.5 19.1 41%

The rapid growth of energy consumption and dominance of GHG-intensive refined petroleum products are the principal reasons why the transportation sector was the single greatest source of GHG emissions in Canada in 2016.

  Energy intensity

Energy intensity is a measure of the energy inefficiency of an economy and calculated as units of energy per GDP. High energy intensities indicate a high cost of converting energy into GDP. Many factors influence overall energy intensity such as standard of living, weather conditions, vehicular distances travelled, methods and patterns of transportation (mass transit), off-grid energy sources, new energy sources, energy disruptions (power blackout) and energy efficiency.

Energy intensity improved 30.3% between 1990 and 2016, reflecting a significant overall improvement of how effective Canadians used energy to produce GDP.

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Final energy use, Canadian population and GDP, 1990–2016 (Index 1990=1)

Final energy use index Total GDP index* Total population index
1990 1.0 1.0 1.0
1991 1.0 1.0 1.0
1992 1.0 1.0 1.0
1993 1.0 1.0 1.0
1994 1.1 1.1 1.0
1995 1.1 1.1 1.1
1996 1.1 1.1 1.1
1997 1.1 1.2 1.1
1998 1.1 1.2 1.1
1999 1.1 1.3 1.1
2000 1.2 1.3 1.1
2001 1.1 1.4 1.1
2002 1.2 1.4 1.1
2003 1.2 1.4 1.1
2004 1.2 1.5 1.2
2005 1.2 1.5 1.2
2006 1.2 1.6 1.2
2007 1.3 1.6 1.2
2008 1.2 1.6 1.2
2009 1.2 1.5 1.2
2010 1.2 1.6 1.2
2011 1.3 1.7 1.2
2012 1.3 1.7 1.3
2013 1.3 1.7 1.3
2014 1.3 1.8 1.3
2015 1.3 1.8 1.3
2016 1.3 1.8 1.3
* Data source: CANSIM 379-0031, GDP at basic prices in $2007 constant dollars.

Energy use increased much slower than GDP from 1990 to 2016.

The Canadian population grew 31% (approximately 1.0% per year) and GDP increased 81.3% (about 2.3% per year).

Per capita energy use decreased by 3.6%, considerably less than expected given the overall improvement in energy intensity. This smaller decrease reflects increases in the use of additional electronics in the home, ownership of passenger SUVs and light trucks, and the distance and weight of goods transported by heavy trucks.

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Energy intensity per capita and per unit of GDP, 1990-2016 (Index 1990=1)

Energy intensity per capita Energy intensity per GDP
1990 1.00 1.00
1991 0.97 1.00
1992 0.97 1.00
1993 0.98 1.00
1994 1.01 0.99
1995 1.03 0.99
1996 1.03 1.00
1997 1.04 0.97
1998 1.01 0.91
1999 1.02 0.89
2000 1.05 0.87
2001 1.01 0.83
2002 1.03 0.84
2003 1.04 0.84
2004 1.06 0.83
2005 1.04 0.80
2006 1.02 0.77
2007 1.06 0.79
2008 1.03 0.77
2009 0.98 0.77
2010 1.00 0.76
2011 1.01 0.76
2012 1.00 0.74
2013 1.01 0.74
2014 1.00 0.73
2015 0.99 0.72
2016 0.96 0.70

  Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency improved 31.4% from 1990 to 2016. As the result of all energy efficiency improvements since 1990, Canadians saved 2,089.9 PJ of energy valued at $45 billion and avoided emitting 112.1 Mt of GHGs in 2016.

The International Energy Agency denotes energy efficiency as the world’s “first fuel”. Saving energy has multiple economic and environmental benefits, including being the least-cost option to reduce GHG emissions.

We isolate and track the amount of energy saved through energy efficiency by identifying and measuring the other factors that have an impact on energy use. These include:

  • The activity effect is the increase in energy use due to economic growth. Over the 1990–2016 period, the activity effect was 4,304.4 PJ, with a corresponding 227.5-Mt increase in GHG emissions.
  • The structure effect is how the changing make-up of the economy influences energy use. For example, some industries may have growth subsectors that are more, or less, energy-intensive than others. Over the 1990–2016 period, less energy-intensive industries became more prevalent in the Canadian economy, reducing energy demand by 683.5 PJ and GHG emissions by 28.1 Mt.
  • The weather effect measures the impact of hotter or colder temperatures over time on energy use. In 2016, the winter was warmer than in 1990 and the summer was hotter, resulting in a net energy use decrease of 22.0 PJ and 0.9 Mt fewer GHG emissions.
  • The service level effect measures the increased use of equipment in homes and businesses. As the economy has become more digital, energy use has increased both at home and at work. The service level resulted in increased energy use of 173.5 PJ and increased GHG emissions of 7.5 Mt.
  • The energy efficiency effect is the balance of the total change in energy use over time (1990–2016) less the impact of the identified factors above. In 2016, the economy realized 2,089.9 PJ of energy savings and avoided 112.1 Mt of GHG emissions resulting from all energy efficiency measures since 1990.
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Summary of factors influencing the change in energy use, 1990–2016

Total change in energy use 1829.2
Activity effect 4304.4
Structure effect -683.5
Service level effect 173.5
Weather effect -22.0
Energy efficiency effect -2089.9
Other* 146.7
* “Other” refers to street lighting, non-commercial airline aviation, off-road transportation and agriculture, which are included in the “Total change in energy use” but are excluded from the factorization analysis.

Steady increases in activity and, to a lesser degree, service level contributed the most to increased energy use. The structure effect resulting from a shift in production toward industries that are less energy-intensive (financial, commercial and service industries) resulted in a decrease of energy use especially from 2005.

Energy efficiency improvement has been steady since 1990. However, the rate of improvement slowed from 2009 to 2011. This is attributable to the effects of the 2009 recession when the industrial sector faced significant challenges investing in projects to improve energy efficiency.

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Historical trends of factors influencing final energy use, 1990-2016

Activity effect Structure effect Weather effect Service level effect Energy efficiency effect Other
1990 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1991 31.2 -10.1 19.6 5.8 -117.8 -7.0
1992 107.1 25.8 70.5 14.3 -201.6 -6.8
1993 197.8 44.8 112.8 19.4 -254.3 -5.2
1994 341.3 55.1 82.2 27.6 -266.1 -8.2
1995 703.7 162.0 88.9 37.7 -414.0 11.5
1996 811.8 181.2 159.0 45.2 -499.7 24.1
1997 1126.8 139.0 72.7 55.6 -585.9 34.3
1998 1299.1 116.0 -108.2 64.5 -746.8 33.1
1999 1525.8 170.8 -46.4 72.8 -918.1 39.4
2000 1825.8 89.5 43.6 80.8 -955.6 49.3
2001 1876.0 1.3 -51.0 91.8 -1076.5 49.3
2002 2122.7 4.3 47.7 102.1 -1164.7 42.4
2003 2277.5 -32.5 66.3 112.0 -1137.0 48.0
2004 2579.7 -103.7 25.9 120.0 -1110.2 56.8
2005 2747.8 -182.2 21.2 129.3 -1288.1 67.9
2006 2920.8 -371.1 -86.3 135.6 -1296.1 69.7
2007 3063.1 -273.0 29.1 139.2 -1272.5 90.8
2008 3013.0 -349.3 39.7 144.8 -1304.4 93.5
2009 2836.0 -492.4 50.4 150.3 -1237.1 48.6
2010 3207.0 -506.3 -55.5 153.5 -1334.4 82.6
2011 3363.7 -543.2 -10.2 154.9 -1284.8 107.1
2012 3647.8 -706.7 -91.1 162.4 -1365.9 101.4
2013 3849.5 -698.9 12.7 165.1 -1524.1 119.7
2014 4094.2 -743.4 86.1 167.8 -1730.8 130.3
2015 4208.1 -740.4 4.8 170.6 -1806.8 138.7
2015 4304.4 -683.5 -22.0 173.5 -2089.9 146.7

Without significant ongoing improvements in energy efficiency in end-use sectors, energy use would have increased 56% between 1990 and 2016 instead of 26%. Energy savings of 2,089.9 PJ are equivalent to the energy use of about 43 million passenger vehicles in 2016.

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Final energy use, with and without energy efficiency improvements, 1990-2016

Energy use without energy efficiency improvements Energy use with energy efficiency improvements
1990 6957.2 6957.2
1991 6961.9 6844.1
1992 7144.0 6942.3
1993 7321.0 7066.6
1994 7600.4 7334.3
1995 7961.1 7547.1
1996 8178.4 7678.7
1997 8385.5 7799.7
1998 8361.7 7615.0
1999 8719.6 7801.5
2000 9046.1 8090.5
2001 8924.7 7848.2
2002 9276.4 8111.7
2003 9428.5 8291.5
2004 9635.9 8525.7
2005 9741.3 8453.1
2006 9625.9 8329.8
2007 10006.4 8733.9
2008 9898.9 8594.5
2009 9550.1 8312.9
2010 9835.4 8501.0
2011 10033.4 8748.7
2012 10071.1 8705.2
2013 10405.4 8881.3
2014 10692.2 8961.4
2015 10739.0 8932.2
2016 10876.3 8786.4

Over 112.1 Mt of GHG emissions were avoided in 2016 from all energy efficiency improvements in Canada since 1990. The transportation sector was the largest contributor at 47% of total GHG savings, primarily because of ongoing performance standards for passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks. Other factors were awareness and education programs that increased fuel efficiency through maintenance and improved driving habits. The residential sector contributed 27% to the total GHG savings through several mechanisms including enhanced building codes, minimum energy performance standards for appliances, improved energy monitoring systems and home retrofits. The industrial sector contributed about 19% and the commercial/institutional sector 7% of total GHG savings. Investment challenges and limited programs targeting energy use resulted in less improvement in energy efficiency in these two sectors.

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GHG savings by sector, 2016

Mt CO2e
Total economy -112.1
Residential -30.2
Commercial/institutional -8.0
Industrial -21.2
Transportation -52.7