Table 1e – Energy consumption of arenas by arena type and year of construction, 2014
Arena type Arena construction year Arenas Floor space
# QI millions of m2 QI Share (%)
Stand-alone single rink arenas 1949 and earlier 57 A 0.19 A 5.2
1950 to 1969 300 A 0.97 A 26.6
1970 to 1979 488 A 1.48 A 40.5
1980 to 1989 147 A 0.47 A 12.9
1990 to 1999 67 A 0.23 A 6.3
2000 to 2009 41 A 0.16 A 4.4
2010 or later 20 A 0.09 A 2.5
Unknown 16 A 0.06 A 1.6
Subtotal 1,134 A 3.65 A 100.0
Stand-alone multi rink arenas 1949 and earlier 8 B 0.06 C 3.3
1950 to 1969 47 A 0.30 A 16.6
1970 to 1979 55 A 0.33 A 18.2
1980 to 1989 31 A 0.25 A 13.8
1990 to 1999 46 A 0.43 A 23.8
2000 to 2009 21 A 0.17 A 9.4
2010 or later 23 A 0.26 A 14.4
Unknown x x x x x
Subtotal 232 A 1.81 A 100.0
Multiplex sports complexes and professional sports venues 1949 and earlier 26 A 0.21 A 3.3
1950 to 1969 146 A 0.76 A 12.1
1970 to 1979 300 A 2.00 A 31.7
1980 to 1989 118 A 0.81 A 12.9
1990 to 1999 67 A 0.75 A 11.9
2000 to 2009 100 A 1.22 A 19.4
2010 or later 50 A 0.49 A 7.8
Unknown 9 A 0.06 B 0.9
Subtotal 816 A 6.30 A 100.0
Canada 1949 and earlier 91 A 0.47 A 4.0
1950 to 1969 493 A 2.02 A 17.2
1970 to 1979 842 A 3.81 A 32.4
1980 to 1989 296 A 1.53 A 13.0
1990 to 1999 180 A 1.42 A 12.1
2000 to 2009 161 A 1.55 A 13.2
2010 or later 93 A 0.84 A 7.1
Unknown 26 A 0.12 A 1.0
Total 2,182 A 11.76 A 100.0

(1) Due to rounding, numbers may not add up to the total shown, and some numbers may differ from one table to the next.
(2) Quality indicators (QI) classify each estimate according to its quality as follows: A–Excellent, B–Good, C–Acceptable, F–Unreliable, and X–suppressed due to confidentiality.

Source : Survey of Energy Consumption in Arenas-2014